Orange County Company Handbook Attorneys

Employee manuals let companies set out consistent policies that will be applied to all employees. These manuals not only address issues of work time, attendance, vacation and various other rules, but should also define acceptable and unacceptable workplace behavior. These manuals can often protect businesses from claims of discriminatory practices and may be able to help avoid costly litigation in the future.

Understanding how to prepare employee manuals that safeguard your company may be best done with the assistance of an experienced lawyer. At the law firm of Lauby, Mankin & Lauby LLP, our attorneys help businesses throughout Southern California develop employee manuals and other employee agreements that will help them protect their employees and their financial interests.

Prepare Your Business With a Riverside Employee Manuals Lawyer

While it is important to outline policies, safety precautions and other rules in employee manuals, it is also helpful to spell out exactly what the consequences of policy violations will be. Which violations may lead to termination? Which violations will lead to less contact with clients?

Employment manuals not only let employees know what is expected in terms of their behavior, it also sets forth expectations of the employer’s own behavior. Make sure that when any policy documents and employee manuals are given to employees, it is documented and proof is kept that those employees received and understood the employment manuals.

Let Our Firm Assist Your Business in the Creation of Employee Manuals

For more information about employee manuals, contact our firm at Lauby, Mankin & Lauby LLP and schedule an initial consultation. We can help make sure that you cover what is necessary in your employee manual. Call for an appointment at 888-959-8508.

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